Aufgabengeneratoren für Addieren von 2 und 4 ungleichnamigen Brüchen erstellt.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import random
from math import gcd
import re
def create_html_table_for_fracture_input(rows: list):
table_rows = []
# Tabellenzeilen festlegen
for i, row in enumerate(rows):
if (i % 2) == 0:
table_row = "<tr style='border-bottom: 1px solid black;'>"
table_row = "<tr>"
for cell in row:
table_row += f"<td style='padding: 5px;'>{cell}</td>"
table_row += "</tr>"
# Tabelle zusammenbauen
table_html = (
f"<table style='border-collapse: collapse;'>\n"
+ "\n".join(table_rows)
+ "</table>"
return re.sub("\\s+", " ", table_html)
def create_cloze_question(name, questiontext, question_math, calcstep_math, correct_answers, wrong_answers, feedback, tags):
question = ET.Element('question', attrib={'type': 'cloze'})
name_elem = ET.SubElement(question, 'name')
text_elem = ET.SubElement(name_elem, 'text')
text_elem.text = name
questiontext_elem = ET.SubElement(question, 'questiontext', attrib={'format': 'html'})
text_elem = ET.SubElement(questiontext_elem, 'text')
# Erstelle die Tabelle für die Lücken
rows_list = [
["Zähler:", f"{{1:SHORTANSWER:={correct_answers[0]}~%0%{wrong_answers[0][0]}#{wrong_answers[0][1]}}}"],
["Nenner:", f"{{1:SHORTANSWER:={correct_answers[1]}~%0%{wrong_answers[1][0]}#{wrong_answers[1][1]}}}"]
# Prüfe, ob der Bruch gekürzt werden kann
if gcd(correct_answers[0], correct_answers[1]) > 1:
common_divisor = gcd(correct_answers[0], correct_answers[1])
reduced_numerator = correct_answers[0] // common_divisor
reduced_denominator = correct_answers[1] // common_divisor
rows_list.append(["Gekürzter Zähler:", f"{{1:SHORTANSWER:={reduced_numerator}~%0%{wrong_answers[2][0]}#{wrong_answers[2][1]}}}"])
rows_list.append(["Gekürzter Nenner:", f"{{1:SHORTANSWER:={reduced_denominator}~%0%{wrong_answers[3][0]}#{wrong_answers[3][1]}}}"])
cloze_text = create_html_table_for_fracture_input(rows_list)
# Füge die Frage hinzu
text_elem.text = questiontext + " " + cloze_text
generalfeedback_elem = ET.SubElement(question, 'generalfeedback', attrib={'format': 'html'})
text_elem = ET.SubElement(generalfeedback_elem, 'text')
solution = f"<h3>Lösungshinweise:</h3>"
solution += "<p>"
# Musterlösung im LaTeX-Format
if gcd(correct_answers[0], correct_answers[1]) > 1:
solution += f"\\( {question_math} {calcstep_math} = \\frac{{{correct_answers[0]}}}{{{correct_answers[1]}}} = \\frac{{{reduced_numerator}}}{{{reduced_denominator}}} \\)."
solution += f"\\( {question_math} {calcstep_math} = \\frac{{{correct_answers[0]}}}{{{correct_answers[1]}}} \\)"
solution += "</p>"
text_elem.text = solution
defaultgrade_elem = ET.SubElement(question, 'defaultgrade')
defaultgrade_elem.text = '1.0000000'
penalty_elem = ET.SubElement(question, 'penalty')
penalty_elem.text = '0.3333333'
hidden_elem = ET.SubElement(question, 'hidden')
hidden_elem.text = '0'
# Tags hinzufügen
tags_elem = ET.SubElement(question, 'tags')
for tag in tags:
tag_elem = ET.SubElement(tags_elem, 'tag')
text_elem = ET.SubElement(tag_elem, 'text')
text_elem.text = tag
return question
def lcm(a, b):
return abs(a * b) // gcd(a, b)
def create_quiz(questions):
quiz = ET.Element('quiz')
for q in questions:
return quiz
def save_to_file(xml_element, filename):
tree = ET.ElementTree(xml_element)
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
tree.write(f, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True)
questions = []
# Generiere n Aufgaben zur Addition und Subtraktion von Brüchen mit verschiedenen Nennern
n = 20
for i in range(1, (n+1)):
# Zähler und Nenner generieren
numerator1 = random.randint(1, 20) # Zähler zwischen 1 und 20
numerator2 = random.randint(1, 20) # Zähler zwischen 1 und 20
denominator1 = random.randint(2, 10) # Nenner zwischen 2 und 10
denominator2 = random.randint(2, 10) # Nenner zwischen 2 und 10
# Berechne den gemeinsamen Nenner, der kleiner als 30 sein muss
common_denominator = lcm(denominator1, denominator2)
while common_denominator >= 30:
denominator1 = random.randint(2, 10)
denominator2 = random.randint(2, 10)
common_denominator = lcm(denominator1, denominator2)
# Berechne die äquivalenten Zähler
equivalent_numerator1 = numerator1 * (common_denominator // denominator1)
equivalent_numerator2 = numerator2 * (common_denominator // denominator2)
operation = random.choice(["+", "-"]) # Zufällige Operation
if operation == "+":
result_numerator = equivalent_numerator1 + equivalent_numerator2
result_numerator = equivalent_numerator1 - equivalent_numerator2
# Prüfe, ob der Bruch gekürzt werden kann
needs_reduction = gcd(result_numerator, common_denominator) > 1
question_puremath = f"\\Large \\displaystyle \\frac{{{numerator1}}}{{{denominator1}}} {operation} \\frac{{{numerator2}}}{{{denominator2}}} ="
# Frage im LaTeX-Format
questiontext = (f"<p>Berechne und kürze das Ergebnis, wenn möglich:</p> "
f"<p> \\( {question_puremath} \\) </p>")
# Feedback-Ausgabe für notwendigen Zwischenschritt
calculation_step_math = f"\\frac{{{equivalent_numerator1}}}{{{common_denominator}}} {operation} \\frac{{{equivalent_numerator2}}}{{{common_denominator}}}"
# Antworten
correct_answers = [result_numerator, common_denominator]
if needs_reduction:
common_divisor = gcd(result_numerator, common_denominator)
reduced_numerator = result_numerator // common_divisor
reduced_denominator = common_denominator // common_divisor
correct_answers.extend([reduced_numerator, reduced_denominator]) # Füge gekürzte Antworten hinzu
wrong_answers = [
(result_numerator + random.randint(1, 5), "Dieser Zähler ist zu hoch."), # Falscher Zähler
(result_numerator - random.randint(1, 5), "Dieser Zähler ist zu niedrig."), # Falscher Zähler
(reduced_numerator + random.randint(1, 3), "Dieser gekürzte Zähler ist nicht korrekt."), # Falscher gekürzter Zähler
(reduced_denominator - random.randint(1, 3), "Dieser gekürzte Nenner ist nicht korrekt.") # Falscher gekürzter Nenner
wrong_answers = [
(result_numerator + random.randint(1, 5), "Dieser Zähler ist zu hoch."), # Falscher Zähler
(result_numerator - random.randint(1, 5), "Dieser Zähler ist zu niedrig.") # Falscher Zähler
feedback = "Richtig! Die Lösung ist korrekt."
# Frage erstellen und hinzufügen
f"Addition/Subtraktion von 2 ungleichnamigen Brüchen {i}",
["Mathematik", "Brüche", "Addition", "Subtraktion"]
# Erstelle das Quiz
quiz = create_quiz(questions)
# Speichere die XML-Datei
save_to_file(quiz, 'cloze_f2raction_addition_subtraction_quiz.xml')
print("Moodle-XML-Datei 'cloze_2fraction_addition_subtraction_quiz.xml' erfolgreich erstellt.")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import random
from math import gcd
import re
def create_html_table_for_fracture_input(rows: list):
table_rows = []
# Tabellenzeilen festlegen
for i, row in enumerate(rows):
if (i % 2) == 0:
table_row = "<tr style='border-bottom: 1px solid black;'>"
table_row = "<tr>"
for cell in row:
table_row += f"<td style='padding: 5px;'>{cell}</td>"
table_row += "</tr>"
# Tabelle zusammenbauen
table_html = (
f"<table style='border-collapse: collapse;'>\n"
+ "\n".join(table_rows)
+ "</table>"
return re.sub("\\s+", " ", table_html)
def create_cloze_question(name, questiontext, question_math, calcstep_math, correct_answers, wrong_answers, feedback, tags):
question = ET.Element('question', attrib={'type': 'cloze'})
name_elem = ET.SubElement(question, 'name')
text_elem = ET.SubElement(name_elem, 'text')
text_elem.text = name
questiontext_elem = ET.SubElement(question, 'questiontext', attrib={'format': 'html'})
text_elem = ET.SubElement(questiontext_elem, 'text')
# Erstelle die Tabelle für die Lücken
rows_list = [
["Zähler:", f"{{1:SHORTANSWER:={correct_answers[0]}~%0%{wrong_answers[0][0]}#{wrong_answers[0][1]}}}"],
["Nenner:", f"{{1:SHORTANSWER:={correct_answers[1]}~%0%{wrong_answers[1][0]}#{wrong_answers[1][1]}}}"]
# Prüfe, ob der Bruch gekürzt werden kann
if gcd(correct_answers[0], correct_answers[1]) > 1:
common_divisor = gcd(correct_answers[0], correct_answers[1])
reduced_numerator = correct_answers[0] // common_divisor
reduced_denominator = correct_answers[1] // common_divisor
rows_list.append(["Gekürzter Zähler:", f"{{1:SHORTANSWER:={reduced_numerator}~%0%{wrong_answers[2][0]}#{wrong_answers[2][1]}}}"])
rows_list.append(["Gekürzter Nenner:", f"{{1:SHORTANSWER:={reduced_denominator}~%0%{wrong_answers[3][0]}#{wrong_answers[3][1]}}}"])
cloze_text = create_html_table_for_fracture_input(rows_list)
# Füge die Frage hinzu
text_elem.text = questiontext + " " + cloze_text
generalfeedback_elem = ET.SubElement(question, 'generalfeedback', attrib={'format': 'html'})
text_elem = ET.SubElement(generalfeedback_elem, 'text')
solution = f"<h3>Lösungshinweise:</h3>"
solution += "<p>"
# Musterlösung im LaTeX-Format
if gcd(correct_answers[0], correct_answers[1]) > 1:
solution += f"\\( {question_math} {calcstep_math} = \\frac{{{correct_answers[0]}}}{{{correct_answers[1]}}} = \\frac{{{reduced_numerator}}}{{{reduced_denominator}}} \\)."
solution += f"\\( {question_math} {calcstep_math} = \\frac{{{correct_answers[0]}}}{{{correct_answers[1]}}} \\)"
solution += "</p>"
text_elem.text = solution
defaultgrade_elem = ET.SubElement(question, 'defaultgrade')
defaultgrade_elem.text = '1.0000000'
penalty_elem = ET.SubElement(question, 'penalty')
penalty_elem.text = '0.3333333'
hidden_elem = ET.SubElement(question, 'hidden')
hidden_elem.text = '0'
# Tags hinzufügen
tags_elem = ET.SubElement(question, 'tags')
for tag in tags:
tag_elem = ET.SubElement(tags_elem, 'tag')
text_elem = ET.SubElement(tag_elem, 'text')
text_elem.text = tag
return question
def lcm(a, b):
return abs(a * b) // gcd(a, b)
def create_quiz(questions):
quiz = ET.Element('quiz')
for q in questions:
return quiz
def save_to_file(xml_element, filename):
tree = ET.ElementTree(xml_element)
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
tree.write(f, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True)
questions = []
# Generiere n Aufgaben zur Addition und Subtraktion von Brüchen mit verschiedenen Nennern
n = 20
for i in range(1, (n+1)):
# Zähler und Nenner generieren
numerator1 = random.randint(1, 20) # Zähler zwischen 1 und 20
numerator2 = random.randint(1, 20) # Zähler zwischen 1 und 20
numerator3 = random.randint(1, 20) # Zähler zwischen 1 und 20
numerator4 = random.randint(1, 20) # Zähler zwischen 1 und 20
denominator1 = random.randint(2, 10) # Nenner zwischen 2 und 10
denominator2 = random.randint(2, 10) # Nenner zwischen 2 und 10
denominator3 = random.randint(2, 10) # Nenner zwischen 2 und 10
denominator4 = random.randint(2, 10) # Nenner zwischen 2 und 10
# Berechne den gemeinsamen Nenner, der kleiner als 30 sein muss
common_denominator = lcm(denominator1, lcm(denominator2, lcm(denominator3, denominator4)))
while common_denominator >= 30:
denominator1 = random.randint(2, 10)
denominator2 = random.randint(2, 10)
denominator3 = random.randint(2, 10)
denominator4 = random.randint(2, 10)
common_denominator = lcm(denominator1, lcm(denominator2, lcm(denominator3, denominator4)))
# Berechne die äquivalenten Zähler
equivalent_numerator1 = numerator1 * (common_denominator // denominator1)
equivalent_numerator2 = numerator2 * (common_denominator // denominator2)
equivalent_numerator3 = numerator3 * (common_denominator // denominator3)
equivalent_numerator4 = numerator4 * (common_denominator // denominator4)
operations = random.choice(["+ + +", "+ + -", "+ - +", "+ - -", "- + +", "- + -", "- - +", "- - -"]) # Zufällige Operationen
if operations == "+ + +":
result_numerator = equivalent_numerator1 + (equivalent_numerator2 + (equivalent_numerator3 + equivalent_numerator4))
elif operations == "+ + -":
result_numerator = equivalent_numerator1 + (equivalent_numerator2 + (equivalent_numerator3 - equivalent_numerator4))
elif operations == "+ - +":
result_numerator = equivalent_numerator1 + (equivalent_numerator2 - (equivalent_numerator3 + equivalent_numerator4))
elif operations == "+ - -":
result_numerator = equivalent_numerator1 + (equivalent_numerator2 - (equivalent_numerator3 - equivalent_numerator4))
elif operations == "- + +":
result_numerator = equivalent_numerator1 - (equivalent_numerator2 + (equivalent_numerator3 + equivalent_numerator4))
elif operations == "- + -":
result_numerator = equivalent_numerator1 - (equivalent_numerator2 + (equivalent_numerator3 - equivalent_numerator4))
elif operations == "- - +":
result_numerator = equivalent_numerator1 - (equivalent_numerator2 - (equivalent_numerator3 + equivalent_numerator4))
result_numerator = equivalent_numerator1 - (equivalent_numerator2 - (equivalent_numerator3 - equivalent_numerator4))
# Prüfe, ob der Bruch gekürzt werden kann
needs_reduction = gcd(result_numerator, common_denominator) > 1
question_puremath = f"\\Large \\displaystyle \\frac{{{numerator1}}}{{{denominator1}}} {operations[0]} \\left(\\frac{{{numerator2}}}{{{denominator2}}} {operations[2]} \\left(\\frac{{{numerator3}}}{{{denominator3}}} {operations[4]} \\frac{{{numerator4}}}{{{denominator4}}}\\right)\\right) ="
# Frage im LaTeX-Format
questiontext = (f"<p>Berechne und kürze das Ergebnis, wenn möglich:</p> "
f"<p> \\( {question_puremath} \\) </p>")
# Feedback-Ausgabe für notwendigen Zwischenschritt
calculation_step_math = (f"\\frac{{{equivalent_numerator1}}}{{{common_denominator}}} {operations[0]} "
f"\\left(\\frac{{{equivalent_numerator2}}}{{{common_denominator}}} {operations[2]} "
f"\\left(\\frac{{{equivalent_numerator3}}}{{{common_denominator}}} {operations[4]} "
# Antworten
correct_answers = [result_numerator, common_denominator]
if needs_reduction:
common_divisor = gcd(result_numerator, common_denominator)
reduced_numerator = result_numerator // common_divisor
reduced_denominator = common_denominator // common_divisor
correct_answers.extend([reduced_numerator, reduced_denominator]) # Füge gekürzte Antworten hinzu
wrong_answers = [
(result_numerator + random.randint(1, 5), "Dieser Zähler ist zu hoch."), # Falscher Zähler
(result_numerator - random.randint(1, 5), "Dieser Zähler ist zu niedrig."), # Falscher Zähler
(reduced_numerator + random.randint(1, 3), "Dieser gekürzte Zähler ist nicht korrekt."), # Falscher gekürzter Zähler
(reduced_denominator - random.randint(1, 3), "Dieser gekürzte Nenner ist nicht korrekt.") # Falscher gekürzter Nenner
wrong_answers = [
(result_numerator + random.randint(1, 5), "Dieser Zähler ist zu hoch."), # Falscher Zähler
(result_numerator - random.randint(1, 5), "Dieser Zähler ist zu niedrig.") # Falscher Zähler
feedback = "Richtig! Die Lösung ist korrekt."
# Frage erstellen und hinzufügen
f"Addition/Subtraktion von 4 ungleichnamigen Brüchen {i}",
["Mathematik", "Brüche", "Addition", "Subtraktion"]
# Erstelle das Quiz
quiz = create_quiz(questions)
# Speichere die XML-Datei
save_to_file(quiz, 'cloze_4fraction_addition_subtraction_quiz.xml')
print("Moodle-XML-Datei 'cloze_4fraction_addition_subtraction_quiz.xml' erfolgreich erstellt.")
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