2024-12-01 17:57:12 +00:00
import random
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import operator
import re
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from math import gcd, lcm
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from collections import Counter
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# Define operators and their corresponding functions
ops = {
'+': operator.add,
'-': operator.sub,
'*': operator.mul,
'/': operator.truediv
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# Konstanten
# Anzahl der zu generierenden Fragen.
# Algebraische Struktur der Aufgaben
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STRUCTURE = "-(+)-"
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# Größter Zähler
# Größter Nenner
# Größter erlaubter gemeinsamer Nenner
# Dateiname für Ausgabe
FILENAME = 'formulas_new_quiz.xml'
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def parse_expression(expression):
"""Parse an algebraic expression and determine the required number of numbers"""
op_count = 0
# Count operators in parentheses
paren_count = 1
max_depth = 0
for i, char in enumerate(expression):
if char == '(':
paren_count += 1
elif char == ')':
paren_count -= 1
# Update max depth when a closed parenthesis is encountered
max_depth = max(max_depth, paren_count)
if char in ops.keys():
op_count += 1
return max_depth + op_count
# Anzahl der benötigten Brüche
NUM_FRACTIONS = parse_expression(STRUCTURE)
# Platzhalter hinzufügen
def add_placeholders(expression):
placeholder_counter = 0 # Zähler für die Platzhalter
def placeholder_generator():
nonlocal placeholder_counter
placeholder = f'n{placeholder_counter}'
placeholder_counter += 1
return placeholder
output = [] # Ausgabe als Liste zum späteren Zusammensetzen
need_placeholder = True # Flag, um zu tracken, ob ein Platzhalter hinzugefügt werden soll
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2024-12-01 23:21:09 +00:00
for char in expression:
if char in '+-*/': # Operator gefunden
if need_placeholder: # Wenn wir einen Platzhalter brauchen
output.append(char) # Fügen Sie den Operator hinzu
need_placeholder = True # Nach einem Operator müssen wir wieder einen Platzhalter hinzufügen
elif char == '(': # Eine neue Sub-Expression beginnt
output.append(char) # Fügen Sie die öffnende Klammer hinzu
need_placeholder = True
elif char == ')': # Eine Sub-Expression endet
if need_placeholder: # Wenn wir einen Platzhalter brauchen
output.append(char) # Fügen Sie die schließende Klammer hinzu
need_placeholder = False # Nach einer schließenden Klammer erwarten wir keine Platzhalter mehr
else: # Bei anderen Zeichen
if need_placeholder: # Wenn wir einen Platzhalter brauchen
output.append(char) # Fügen Sie das Zeichen hinzu
need_placeholder = False # Nach einem Platzhalter sollten wir keinen weiteren setzen
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2024-12-01 23:21:09 +00:00
# Platzhalter am Beginn hinzufügen
if output and output[0] != f'n{0}':
result = [placeholder_generator()] + output
result = output
# Platzhalter am Ende hinzufügen, wenn nötig
if output[-1] in '+-*/':
result = result + [placeholder_generator()]
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2024-12-01 23:21:09 +00:00
# Zusammensetzen des finalen Ausdrucks
final_expression = ''.join(result).strip()
return final_expression
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2024-12-01 23:21:09 +00:00
# Algebraische Struktur mit Platzhaltern
STRUCTURE_PH = add_placeholders(STRUCTURE)
def calculate(expression, numbers):
"""Calculate the result of the expression using n[0], n[1], ..."""
# numbers = [random.randint(1, 10) for _ in range(num)]
# Replace placeholders with actual number values
for i, num in enumerate(numbers):
placeholder = f'n{i}'
expression = re.sub(rf'\{placeholder}\s*([+-/*])', rf'{num} \1', expression)
expression = re.sub(rf'({placeholder})\s*', rf'{num}', expression)
# Evaluate the result
return eval(expression)
def create_formula_question(ex_number: int):
2024-12-01 17:57:12 +00:00
numerators = []
denominators = []
for i in range(NUM_FRACTIONS):
n = random.randint(1, MAX_NUMERATOR)
d = random.randint(2, MAX_DENOMINATOR)
# Sicherstellen, dass die Nenner unterschiedlich sind
same_denominators = [k for k,v in Counter(denominators).items() if v>1]
while len(same_denominators) > 1:
new_denom = random.randint(2, MAX_DENOMINATOR)
denominators.replace(same_denominators[0], new_denom)
same_denominators = [k for k,v in Counter(denominators).items() if v>1]
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# Hauptnenner bestimmen
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*denoms_integers, = denominators
common_denominator = lcm(*denoms_integers)
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cd = common_denominator
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fractions = []
for i in range(NUM_FRACTIONS):
fraction = {"n": numerators[i], "d": denominators[i]}
expanded_numerators = [frac["n"] * cd // frac["d"] for frac in fractions]
expanded_fractions = []
for i in range(NUM_FRACTIONS):
fraction = {"n": expanded_numerators[i], "d": cd}
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result_numerator = calculate(STRUCTURE_PH, expanded_numerators)
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2024-12-01 23:21:09 +00:00
2024-12-01 17:57:12 +00:00
2024-12-01 23:21:09 +00:00
gcd_result = gcd(result_numerator, cd)
if gcd_result > 1:
# print("kürzbar")
shortable = True
shortened_numerator = result_numerator // gcd_result
shortened_denominator = common_denominator // gcd_result
shortable = False
# Start der Aufgabe
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question = ET.Element('question', attrib={'type': 'formulas'})
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# Name der Aufgabe
has_plus = '+' in STRUCTURE
has_minus = '-' in STRUCTURE
has_mult = '*' in STRUCTURE
has_div = '/' in STRUCTURE
if has_plus and has_minus:
expression_type = "Addition/Subtraktion"
exercise_text = "Berechne den Term"
elif has_plus:
expression_type = "Addition"
exercise_text = "Addiere die Brüche"
elif has_minus:
expression_type = "Subtraktion"
exercise_text = "Subtrahiere die Brüche"
expression_type = "Rechnung"
exercise_text = "Berechne den Term"
name_elem = ET.SubElement(question, 'name')
text_elem = ET.SubElement(name_elem, 'text')
text_elem.text = f'{expression_type} von {NUM_FRACTIONS} ungleichnamigen Brüchen {ex_number}'
# Allgemeiner Aufgabentext
questiontext_elem = ET.SubElement(question, 'questiontext', attrib={'format': 'html'})
text_elem = ET.SubElement(questiontext_elem, 'text')
if shortable:
text_elem.text = f"<![CDATA[ <p>{exercise_text} und kürze das Ergebnis so weit wie möglich.</p>" + "<p>{#A} </p> ]]>"
text_elem.text = f"<![CDATA[ <p>{exercise_text}.</p>"+"<p>{#A} </p> ]]>"
# Allgemeines Feedback
generalfeedback_elem = ET.SubElement(question, 'generalfeedback', attrib={'format': 'html'})
text_elem = ET.SubElement(generalfeedback_elem, 'text')
text_elem.text = ' '
# Grundlegende Bewertungsinformationen
ET.SubElement(question, 'defaultgrade').text = '1.0000000'
ET.SubElement(question, 'penalty').text = '0.3333333'
ET.SubElement(question, 'hidden').text = '0'
ET.SubElement(question, 'idnumber').text = ' '
# Feedback für korrekte und inkorrekte Antworten
correctfeedback_elem = ET.SubElement(question, 'correctfeedback', attrib={'format': 'html'})
text_elem = ET.SubElement(correctfeedback_elem, 'text')
text_elem.text = '''<![CDATA[ <p>Die Antwort ist richtig.</p> ]]> '''
partiallycorrectfeedback_elem = ET.SubElement(question, 'partiallycorrectfeedback', attrib={'format': 'html'})
text_elem = ET.SubElement(partiallycorrectfeedback_elem, 'text')
text_elem.text = '''<![CDATA[ <p>Die Antwort ist teilweise richtig.</p> ]]> '''
incorrectfeedback_elem = ET.SubElement(question, 'incorrectfeedback', attrib={'format': 'html'})
text_elem = ET.SubElement(incorrectfeedback_elem, 'text')
text_elem.text = '''<![CDATA[ <p>Die Antwort ist falsch.</p> ]]>'''
ET.SubElement(question, 'shownumcorrect')
varsrandom_elem = ET.SubElement(question, 'varsrandom')
text_elem = ET.SubElement(varsrandom_elem, 'text')
text_elem.text = f' '
# Globale Variablen definieren
varsglobal_elem = ET.SubElement(question, 'varsglobal')
text_elem = ET.SubElement(varsglobal_elem, 'text')
numerators_string = ",".join([str(n) for n in numerators])
denominators_string = ",".join([str(d) for d in denominators])
text_elem.text = f'n = [{numerators_string}];\n d = [{denominators_string}];'
# Durchnummerierung der Antworten
answernumbering_elem = ET.SubElement(question, 'answernumbering')
text_elem = ET.SubElement(answernumbering_elem, 'text')
text_elem.text = 'ABCD'
# Antworten definieren
answers_elem = ET.SubElement(question, 'answers')
# Indizes für die Antworten
partindex_elem = ET.SubElement(answers_elem, 'partindex')
ET.SubElement(partindex_elem, 'text').text = '0'
placeholder_elem = ET.SubElement(answers_elem, 'placeholder')
ET.SubElement(placeholder_elem, 'text').text = '#A'
# Punktzahl auf Teilaufgabe
answermark_elem = ET.SubElement(answers_elem, 'answermark')
if shortable:
ET.SubElement(answermark_elem, 'text').text = '2'
ET.SubElement(answermark_elem, 'text').text = '1'
# Antworttyp
answertype_elem = ET.SubElement(answers_elem, 'answertype')
ET.SubElement(answertype_elem, 'text').text = '0'
numbox_elem = ET.SubElement(answers_elem, 'numbox')
ET.SubElement(numbox_elem, 'text').text = '2'
2024-12-01 17:57:12 +00:00
return question
2024-12-01 23:21:09 +00:00
# Berechnungsvariablen
vars1_elem = ET.SubElement(answers_elem, 'vars1')
if shortable:
vars1_elem_text = "<![CDATA[ g = gcd(d[0],d[1]);\n cd = abs(d[0] * d[1]) / g;\n e = [cd / d[0], cd / d[1]];\n nums = [n[0]*e[0], n[1]*e[1]];\n thesumnum = nums[0] - nums[1];\n gcdres = gcd(thesumnum,cd);\n snum = thesumnum / gcdres;\n sdenom = cd / gcdres;]]>"
vars1_elem_text = "<![CDATA[ g = gcd(d[0],d[1]);\ncd = abs(d[0] * d[1]) / g;\ne = [cd / d[0], cd / d[1]];\nnums = [n[0]*e[0], n[1]*e[1]];\nthesumnum = nums[0] - nums[1];]]>"
ET.SubElement(vars1_elem, 'text').text = vars1_elem_text
2024-12-01 17:57:12 +00:00
def generate_questions(num_questions):
Generiert eine Liste von Aufgaben.
num_questions (int): Die Anzahl der zu generierenden Fragen.
list: Eine Liste von Frage-Elementen.
questions = []
for i in range(num_questions):
# Hier können Sie die Funktionsdefinition für die Erzeugung einer Aufgabe hinzufügen
return questions
def create_quiz(questions):
Erstellt das gesamte Quiz-Element.
questions (list): Eine Liste von Frage-Elementen.
Element: Das gesamte Quiz -Element.
quiz = ET.Element('quiz')
for q in questions:
return quiz
def save_to_file(xml_element, filename):
Speichert das XML-Dokument in eine Datei.
xml_element (Element): Das XML-Element, zu speichern.
filename (str): Der Name der Zieldatei.
tree = ET.ElementTree(xml_element)
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
tree.write(f, encoding='utf_8', xml_declaration=True)
def replace_vars2(xml_file):
# XML-Datei lesen
with open(xml_file, 'r') as f:
text = f.read()
text = text.replace("&","&")
text = text.replace("<","<")
text = text.replace(">",">")
with open(xml_file, 'w') as f:
# Hauptprogramm
if __name__ == "__main__":
questions = generate_questions(NUM_QUESTIONS)
quiz = create_quiz(questions)
save_to_file(quiz, FILENAME)
print("Moodle-XMLDatei erfolgreich erstellt.")